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Circuit Board Madness

Anyone who knows us, knows what happens when we learn something new. First we use it for everything for a little bit, and then we make it everybody else’s problem.

Well, on this occasion, Chris learned how to design PCBs through working for MQCN. In a twist of fate, around the time he got comfy, it became possible to do full-colour screenprints on the PCBs you were ordering. And therefore, inevitably… We put some robots on some circuit boards.

As I’m writing this, Chris is refreshing various tracking pages every 7 minutes as we wait for components and boards to arrive. And some of those boards might be available at the free PCB soldering workshop taking place at DoES Liverpool this coming Wednesday.

Chris does some really mysterious stuff I need to get a better handle on - he draws little paths and figures out what needs to go where to make it all work. It’s very exciting to see, and even more excitingly, I get to draw my silly little pictures and see them become part of the PCB!


(Image ID: the front of a screenprinted PCB showing a happy robot face on an 80s bus seat background. Each eye and the bobble at the end of the robot’s antenna has a little rectangular hole in it. The board is held by a white hand. End ID.)

I really enjoy the process for these, because Chris works really hard to figure out ways to make my ideas work - it will get easier as I learn how to gauge what’s possible. I had to restart BlinkieBot up there a couple of times, so working on saving my work appropriately (still), but I’ll get there!

Anyway, delivery companies willing, they will be available for a nominal fee on Wednesday, if you have a ticket (or if you can still snag one). We’re excited!